SafeAcross Introduction Video - long version

SafeAcross Introduction Video - short version

Interest Form

Interest Form

Have questions about SafeAcross? Interested in implementing the program in your area? Please provide the following information and a program administrator will reach out to answer your questions and help you get started.

Please select your interest level in the SafeAcross program:
Government Agency Type

The SafeAcross campaign along with its resources is available at no charge to communities wanting to improve pedestrian safety. The SafeAcross toolkit includes files and specifications for the Mr. Walker statues and signs, many educational resources, directions on compliance studies and publications of the results and public engagement tools as part of the core program. A variety of grant funding options are also outlined for communities to help support the launch of SafeAcross programs. Participating communities commit to keeping crosswalks well maintained, work towards crosswalk enhancements where needed and deploy the core program. Additional modules, such as the Crosswalk Enforcement (Yield Checks), special events and school education are optional.